Friday, March 27, 2009

NDE - Near Death Experience

Proof of Near Death Experiences –
On March 24, 2009, Kristi Lamp’l Ends went with me to my 6 week post op visit (held 14 weeks post op due to a scheduling error at Emory). I got to see Dr. Oyesiku and get lots of questions answered. While in the hospital after surgery and on several occasions during recovery as recently as March 25, 2009, I have had what I previously referred to as vivid dreams, hallucinations, glimpses into heaven, particularly the Praise, Sing, and rejoice Music section of heaven. My dad passed away two days following my surgery to remove a 3x5x6 cm “tator” meningioma from my frontal lobe.

I was on so many drugs even entering the hospital as for the past 10+ years I had a diagnosis of depression/hypo-mania which I came to find out was possibly influenced by the rather large tumor growing into my frontal lobe. About 2 days following my dad’s passing (4 days post surgery) I had the first NDE where I received an invitation from my Dad and the angels gone before u s to leave this painful existence on earth and join them in the heavenly kingdom. I experienced enough of a glimpse through the hole in the pearly gates to want to go and stay. I am no longer afraid of death. I saw the New Jerusalem and the celebration of the most glorious indescribable Christmas ever. There were elements of an earthly Christmas, but in extreme perfection….Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause…yet in heaven he is not the commercialized version we humans have crowned here on earth. The best yet is that in heaven every one can sing, play heavenly instruments and praise God for all time (which fortunately doesn’t exist in heaven).

Originally I tried to dismiss these “dreams, visions, hallucinations” as “drug induced” since I was on such high doses of meds. Also thought it was God’s way of comforting me through my surgical recovery and the death of my earthly father. I saw my Dad go to work in heaven right away. One of his favorite pastimes on earth was as a carpenter who could build anything from a 3 car garage with an apartment upstairs to lovingly building me a fully functioning doll house w/easy bake oven……etc. Mom & Dad could even stand up in it. Once my dad arrived in heaven there was a job immediately ready for him to repair a crack in the pearly gates. It was there so I could get the glimpse of heaven and be comforted. No problem, my dad worked on the construction crew and had it fixed in no time.
My dad and the angels who passed before him have been working very hard to reunite our broken family. The miracles are tremendous and totally unbelievable to those who knew us before. It’s quite difficult to believe that God used my daughter (He uses the most unlikely servants) to get an important message to me about letting go of control….of my adult children and my business.
Yesterday when talking to the doctor he confirmed that the drug interaction could NOT have caused the dreams, hallucinations, etc. according to all studies he knew. Therefore more proof of the NDE’s…not drug induced, not dreams, desires, etc. caused this heaven on earth.
I have taken on new heavenly wings and the world who formally knew Marcia (especially family and friends) cannot seem to accept the new spiritual me. In so many ways I have rapidly changed for the better. The supportive new church community I’m a part of (FUMC – Lawrenceville) seem totally accept the new me maybe because they didn’t know the old me.
Most of the symptoms of recovery now are related to withdrawal from the strong doses of depression and hypo manic drugs forced on me by a Nurse Practitioner (who got a signature on scripts by the doctor who never saw me or treated me). I only missed about 10 years of my life. I possessed the “anti fruits of the spirit.” I could only express the emotions of anger, frustration, jealousy. I didn’t care about myself or anyone else. Now I express extreme love, forgiveness, righteous anger, super sensitivity of all senses. The light is often too bright. I love almost everything I formally despised. I can now live life as an adventure, as long as I have someone to walk beside me. Husband, kids, mom and friends please try to accept me and not judge what you don’t understand. I don’t understand it either but need your support.
Yesterday while having an MRI on my fractured foot (God knows how to knock me down from head to toe to slow me down)…I felt I left my body for a few brief moments…though I struggled not to go because this is now the best and hardest life I’ve ever known and loved and I have lots of work left to do but most importantly lots of living and loving my God, my family and my friends. I saw the child in heaven that I miscarried at 13 weeks gestation back in approximately 1978. She was a beautiful happy young lady. Oh what peace that gave me. I had never really acknowledged the loss especially since my ex-husband blamed me for purposely miscarrying his baby….this pain needed (needs) to be healed.
This is all I can write for now. Got to get some sleep to face the new world later today.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I am blessed to have a second chance at life after brain tumor surgery, the passing of my earthly father, and the reunification of my family. Praise be to God and his angels working diligently in heaven on behalf of our family to heal our wounds. I am fortunate to have such a dedicated, loving, faithful husband of almost 27 years. We are rediscovering each other. Praise be to God and his angels again.

I am the mother of two most precious 21 year old adult children. Both were adopted internationally...Jonathan from Korea at 6 ½ months, bestowed upon us on December 19, 1987…the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. We received him through the international adoption process by way of suffering infertility for 5+years, a failed adoption program in Chile, a failed adoption w/a little 9 month old girl from Korea who the government decided was too sick for us to adopt, to our precious son (4 months old when we were referred to him). Though he was supposed to be "special needs" and possibly be mentally retarded or have cerebral palsy due to possible oxygen deprivation at birth, we are so glad God led Steve to move forward in faith and me to go along in stupidty. Faith won and Jonathan arrived in Memphis TN from Seoul, Korea on December 19, 1987 at 6 1/2 months old. THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. And as it turns out the only special needs this kid had was caused by his parents' longing for a child and totally spoiling and loving him way too much. I'm so sorry kid. I still love you that much. You are my most longed for, desired child ever...except that you were supposed to be a girl. Thank God you are a son who has taught me so much about life and how to enjoy things in life I never imagined I would enjoy....BASEBALL who'd have thought, beer (or bear as you call it J), gourmet food and you & your future bride cook....I LOVE YOU SO MUCH)

Melody from Thailand at 33 months old (identified as a waiting child at 18 months old) received in Bangkok, Thailand on April 20, 1990, after a 16 month wait filled with hopelessness that we would ever bring her home. Our children are one month and one day apart in age chronologically…so we didn’t have terrible two’s at our house, we had terrible 3’s x’s 2… do the math.

I am renewing a beautiful relationship with my 84 year old Mom…a most proper Southern lady who loved and cared for her husband of 65 years and her adult children, Ken & Marcia, her grandchildren, Jonathan & Melody, and is so proud to be an active “Great Mamma” to Amelia and the next baby coming to the stage in June 2009, Sasha Nichole. She is the world’s best caregiver who tirelessly responded to her calling especially during my Dad’s declining health over the past 2 years with such undue dedication, commitment and love that I don’t know if I’ll ever live up to her standard.

During most of Amelia’s lifetime my Dad was rendered to a more child-like state often unable to express himself with words though I believe he still knew what was happening in our family and felt our pain. He related with angelic presence with his great granddaughter, Amelia. He and the heavenly host of angels who have passed before us are working hard to heal our family. I feel and see their presence daily.

I am the successful Director and Founder of Adoption Information Services, Inc., celebrating 19 years of assisting in the formation of adoptive families. Proudly we have assisted more than 2000 families in becoming parents and/or adding angels to their families through adoption. Now we exclusively work with adoptive parents across the country to help them adopt newborns in less than 12 months. My plans for the future of AIS include actually being the Director and chosing to work with a limited number of families probably 12 to 15 a year. Eventually providing all inclusive service of having a consultant (ME) actually experience the entire adoption process with the client, traveling when they meet the birthmom and when they go for the birth and hopeful placement. I want to write several books (1 or 2 on adoption, kids' books on adoption, (I NEED A GHOST WRITER HERE). Also regarding my spiritual journey. I promised God when I got my second change at life that I would share with everyone that heaven inspired message and journey. God gave me the talent to speak so I'll talk on any TV show, write any book, love and help as many people as I can along the way.

I had to wait a long time to become a parent due to infertility, but did not pass on infertility to my daughter, Melody. I am the proud “Mimi” to 29 month old Amelia Isabelle Hope. She lives with us and is definitely God’s angel in our lives. Why do we have to be parents first? This Mimi role is the best yet. Now I am anticipating the arrival of my second granddaughter, Sasha Nichole, due June 12, 2009.

I have been married to a most patient, wise, faithful husband for going on 27 years. Not to forget the precious furry children in our lives….now for our elderly pets….Fox & Dana—womb mates, approximately 13 years old and not feeling too great. Watching your pets get old and suffer is so sad. I’m taking Fox to the vet this morning, hoping some treatment will help him feel better. Also there’s Bunny the Cat who is a 12 years old, large kitty who has occasional seizures. Amelia (and Cheryl & Jonathan) have shown me how to continue to love and nurture them despite it being more difficult)…Thanks so much! They are so precious to me. God’s blessings who are always accepting of us human beings no matter what we do. They are always good for a hug and a good conversation. They always agree with me. I love that acceptance.
Then there’s new life with Buddy, my grand dog….CJ’s darling little joy. Oh how Amelia loves her Buddy.
Just today my Mom & I picked out precious angelic little boy kittens (2 male womb mates). She gets them on Tuesday. More on that later.

Letting Go of Adult Children

I’m working on letting go of my adult children. The tug to help them have the best future according to “controlling me” and what they have to work out themselves is so hard. I'm sure you know the tug I'm talking about. It's sad when you want to help your kids; they even ask for help, you give them the silver platter and they reject it. I've got to let go of both Jonathan (particularly) and Melody. HELP please. Thanks for your fervent prayers. I feel them. I feel that my family is healing.

Letting Go of You – A Work in Process
I love you more than you will understand until you become a parent. I’m happy that you & Cheryl are choosing to be responsible in this area, but knowing how divine it is to be a Mimi I look forward to being Mimi to your precious children some day whether you choose to live close by, CO, or the moon. I will love you, Cheryl and your children, & of course already, the grand dog, Buddy. I’m so excited about your commitment to Cheryl as your future bride. Take care of her, respect her, love her always, and for heaven sake always talk to her. I know the secrets to successful relationships though for the past 10+ years I’ve not been able to practice them because either/or the tumor and all the awful depression/bipolar meds I was on that helped me exist, but not give a crap about anyone or anything particularly not myself. Whether you want to remain in the past in your relationship with your mother or you choose to accept the new me is your decision. Life is so much richer now, and for the first time I’m experiencing life to the fullest. I’ve gotten a second chance at life…thanks to God and His angels watching over me.

Though you, Jonathan, didn’t want to go to college…for at least one reason I’m glad I pushed you…to find the most wonderful partner for life that you could possibly fall in love with. She is beautiful on the inside and outside and has so much potential to become the person she was intended by God to become. You are a very lucky boy to have found her. Thanks to her and you for putting up with me and all of our crazy relatives through all this transition. “Who moved my cheese?” book also applies here. Many are afraid of change and due to inability to change, they starve to death because life wasn’t what they thought it should be. I almost lost my cheese, but thank God I was lead to change, whatever that took.

I’m so sorry to be so intense regarding your future career, continuing in school or not, summer job vs full time job……….(I used to be a career counselor so yeah I think I know it all.) However, I realize that IT’S YOUR DECISION ALONG WITH YOUR WIFE TO BE, NOT MINE. But when you ask for help expect to get more than you want. Take it as information and/or advice you choose to follow or not. Your choice. I now love you in a different way. It’s hard to let go of your favorite son child, though now is the time to do just that. Please be patient with me as this is very hard for me, but I’m getting better day by day. One of the healthiest things I ever decided was yesterday when I told you I couldn’t afford to go to Boston this summer, though I’d love to go some day. Just can’t do it all in one year. Also, I want to be around for the arrival of my next granddaughter.

Nothing with your sister has been according to Plan (though once again, not my plan, but God’s) I still totally accept Sasha, this innocent precious life into my heart. You and Cheryl sometimes also try to advise or tell me what to do regarding Melody/Camden, etc. Please also give your dad and me a free will to make choices we feel led to do to make this difficult situation better. I’m letting go of them as well. Doesn’t keep me from loving your sister….it’s my job as her mother to. It’s been the hardest life ever all we’ve been through with her…from her arrival at 33 months old, after being born as a result of a criminal abortion attempt by her birthmother (she now knows this and accepts it with more maturity than I ever expected), in the hospital in Bangkok the first year of her life without being touched…therefore obviously lack of frontal lobe development which is part of the reason for lack of reasoning, discrimination, etc, etc. At 8 or 9 years old after 3 hospitalizations at Egleston being told that your daughter has a terminal illness, Pulmonary Hemosidirosis (bleeding of the lungs), misdiagnosed twice as pneumonia. Being told that from this disease she would likely not live beyond 14 o 15 years of age. This kid is a miracle and for whatever reason is meant to be here and meant to be our daughter and hopefully someday you’ll accept her as your sister. She would accept you any day and she does love you in her own way. She is learning, growing into a really good mommy to Amelia. She hopes to finish the GAP program either before or a couple of months after Sasha is born. Meanwhile she is selling Avon and really doing a good job. She & Camden went to the job fair at the World Congress Center yesterday (don’t think you would have found what you want anyway J) and he found several career possibilities, probably being most interested in opportunities with MARTA in security. Once they get descent job(s) they will be on their own with Sasha. In the meantime they will live in the basement garage that your Dad eventually wants to be his man cave with a media center, pool table, air hockey (for me when allowed to visit his cave). Camden & David Stevens are going to work on the project, mostly while we are away on vacation.

I have lots of wonderful things going on for me. I absolutely LOVE my new office space. It’s really looking great. Thank Cheryl for her help last weekend getting some of the finishing touches done. It’s difficult & stressful moving into a new office or a new home. You don’t always know where you toothbrush is when you need it. And operating with only 3 computer stations for 5 to 6 people doesn’t work well. The 3 new computers arrived yesterday and will be installed today. So things should mostly be in order by the time we go on vacation…..YEAH!

I am loving the music program at church. I’m in the women’s chorus...somehow made it through those 3 services last Sunday. After Sunday morning’s service at 11 a.m. felt pulled to be in that choir. Went last night and was very welcomed, loved it, and plan to sing for the 11 a.m. service with their 50+ member choir. Your dad will finish up w/PPC…though I find it depressing…plan to participate in session meetings and be supportive, but not attend any more services there. It’s for my own best interest and need for spiritual feeding, not any more depression…thank you.

Melody was a star at the Teen MOPS program at the church and won a $50 gift card and other spa items last Wednesday. She is really coming out and being more friendly..not so much in her little shell anymore.

My Mom is enjoying VSP, 9:30 JOY Sunday school class and the 11 a.m. service. I pick her up every week.

It’s so good to be together as a family at church. This is only for you and Cheryl if and/or whenever, if ever you are interested. Jonathan, glad you get to play on the softball team. Your dad is still suffering in pain due to Sunday’s practice…bless his achy, breaky muscles…thanks to Ben Gay….NOT…that stuff is GAY and stinks. ; )

It’s after 7 a.m. and I’m going back to sleep for another nap before facing the day.

I love you both and am so excited about Amber’s wedding Saturday and next week’s vacation.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I'm 5 weeks post op from surgery which removed my 6 x 6 cm tumor, called tator, on December 10, 2008. It's good to be off the TERRIBLE drugs (any new folks I'm glad to help prepare you and your caregivers for this. It seems that the docs don't.) Had a very skilled NS; surgery was for 7 hours...glad I didn't know[:I]

When off the meds you start really feeling pain & being tired...good thing cause I was REALLY BUZZING on steroids, etc. I was on a couple of anti-depressant drugs prior & after surgery, that I am weaning off, because I don't need them anymore. The drugs I was taking prior to surgery interacting with all the drugs given in high doses at the hospital cause me to have visions, nightmares, and getting a glmpse into heaven (My dad died 2 days after my surgery). It helped me not be afraid of death, but to realize that I have a LOT more to give here on earth to my family, friends, and my God.

I'm so grateful for every day of life now. It's been a life-altering experience for me and our family (which was pretty disfunction...well, not THAT much, is now healing and coming together.

I'm still here to help others deal with stuff like brain tumors.

Have courage and a positive attitude & you will make it and grow too.

My Testimony Given At My Dad's Funeral

I had a spiritual experience that will hopefully affect my life for these remaining days on earth. Friday night I got an invitation from my Daddy, I can come be with my Daddy if I want to. He wanted to take me away from this old ugly earth and I got a glimpse into heaven through a crack in those pearly gates. (Don’t worry about the crack. My daddy will fix it. He's a carpenter.) It was filled with an indescribable praise and presence & the most heavenly strains of music there could be, praising God. He still doesn’t want his little girl to suffer & die. I can leave all pain and suffering on this earth, but I begged him to let me stay, that I’d always be his little girl. He taught me to fight and not quit. He gave me permission to stay here longer and finish things on earth, truly love my husband, renew my relationship with my beautiful daughter, my son and his fiancĂ©, learn to accept and love Camden, enjoy being a Mimi to Amelia, simplify my lifestyle, be the director of AIS, love God more and connect with friends and family.
As most of you know I had a brain tumor removed on December 10th, two days prior to my Daddy's passing. I reached out to the Meningioma Mommas support group Monday night as I tried to figure out what I should do or not do as far as using my brain. Post op on steroids and a number of other medications keep the mind racing and particularly mine. The doctors can’t describe it, but my Daddy told me that when the staples in my head hurt, that it is time to relax and slow down. He told me that each staple represents the difficult & painful areas of my life thus far and since I’m not going to heaven yet, my daddy gave be permission to let go of the perfectionist, meticulous, goal oriented traits I had received from him, so my life here on earth can be more spirit filled, giving, and loving, so that I can renew relationships with friends and family in a new way.
This was my wakeup call.
How Great Thou Art
Oh how my daddy loved the singing of George Beverly Shea. Personally, I prefer the Sandy Patti version, which I always intended to record for him. If I did it now the staples would surely pop out and I’d be there in heaven. I’ll do it in the future. I’m sure he can still hear it.
Proud Father
My father was proud of our accomplishments, successful academics, my perfectionist mode and he was proud of our Christian faith. He taught me how to be successful in the traditional sense of the word, in education, in the world of work and that if any task is worth doing, it should be done perfectly or not at all.
He and my mother were married for 8 years before they adopted Kenneth at 6 weeks old, then 4 years later I came along as a surprise. Once again he had to patiently wait, even though he was not a patient man, to become a Pappa, so perfectly accepting Jonathan as a 6 month old from Korea and 2 years later Melody at 33 months old from Thailand both through adoption.
At least I didn’t pass on infertility to my kids, and he was able to end his life as Great Pappa to Melody’s daughter Amelia. Nothing made him light up more as he was sick and confused most of her two years, but their expressions to each other were heavenly. The beautiful gift we have been given this Christmas is that even though Great Pappa has already gone to heaven, we can enjoy this beautiful talking, interactive angel. It will all be recorded as usual on Christmas morning, now digitally not on the 16mm film my Dad used.
I had no idea what to expect in the death of a parent & know I wouldn’t have taken the reflective time to do so if I had not had brain surgery 2 days prior to his passing. I believe God is using my Dad’s talents up in heaven to watch over us even today. Camden reported that he had a dream on Friday night, the same night I got my invitation to heaven, and that my Dad gave him a talking to and that I was slightly there seeing him follow through to help us. Dad always wanted to protect his daughter & granddaughter from the pain & suffering he had experienced as he suffered physically his earthly pain.
This has been the most spiritual experience of my life as a journey to and through the death and passing of my earthly father. Several times Friday night I was on the edge of leaving this place. It was soooooo tempting to be done with suffering & sorrow.
I rest in the peaceful assurance that my Daddy is in the arms of our loving heavenly Father in and through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Be Still & Know That I am God
Daddy, your Pillow is straight now, and you are no longer crooked in your chair or your bed. The Great Physician has healed you and is healing your daughter. Thank you Daddy for bringing me back to the Lord. Amen.



I moved to Gwinnett County from Jackson, MS, in 1979, to American Square Apartments, located next door to PPC. Having been Baptist all my life, the thought of attending a convenient neighborhood Presbyterian Church never crossed my mind. My husband at the time and I moved to Atlanta as I had gotten a promotion with ATF (where I met Teresa Cole) as an Inspector Trainee.

While living at American Square Apartments and commuting to First Baptist downtown Atlanta, I received several newsletters from PPC as they were spreading their information to the nearby apartments. Knowing the state of my failing marriage, I was quite intrigued by the Singles’ group. It sounded open minded and fun so I stored it in my memory.

After 7 years of marriage I was divorced from my first husband. Still I felt Baptist was in my blood, so once single-again I tried attending Wieuca Road Baptist Church….a long way from the apartments I had moved into at Forest Vale. I realized that I wouldn’t really get a feel for the church unless I went to their singles Sunday school. Oh no, I didn’t have enough time to get there as Sunday school started at 9:30 and worship at 11:00 a.m.

Then I remembered the flyers I had received from that cute little Presbyterian Church in the woods next to American Square Apartments. They had what seemed to be a great Singles-Again ministry and their worship started at 10:00 am followed by Sunday school at 11. Could I go to a Presbyterian Church? Sure, why not. So, I took a deep breath and went there. What a reception. People were soooooo friendly and accepting. It was a place I didn’t want to leave. They became my family…my home away from home

I’ll never forget Nancy Manderson who was sitting behind me during the 10 a.m. service. When it was over, I thought I’d sneak out, but NOT. Nancy shook my hand, invited me to stay for Sunday school. Then she wanted to direct me to the right class and give me options. Upon finding out I was single, she asked are you divorced, widowed, or just single? Wow, it was okay to be divorced? Hallelujah…this might be the place for me. And indeed it was.

John Nicholson was the pastor. He was an excellent preacher and a very interesting, highly intelligent person. He was a little difficult to get to know. When you would ask him something, he would pause and seem to stare before responding. At first it made me a bit uncomfortable. In time I grew to love his wisdom and ability to think things through as he waited for the spirit to lead him in his response. I learned a lot from this wise man.

The Singles Ministry
Eleanor Timmons, Director of the Singles’ Ministry, was my salvation during those sometimes dark days of being single-again. This and the music ministry were truly what fed my spirit and kept me at Pilgrimage. The singles’ group was my family. There are no words to adequately describe how much this ministry touched and guided my life.

The “single-again” and the “singles” (never been married) group often joined together for activities. By this time I was scouting out the guys, particularly those who had “never been married.” Guess who I found…..Steve. We dated and fell in love throughout the spring, summer and early fall of 2002. I went to a special training for my new job with Defense Investigative Services in Richmond, VA, for three long weeks. On the second week, Steve came to VA and proposed. Three weeks later we were married in a beautiful, small service at the Norcross Tucker location on November 6, 2002 by John Nicholson.

We joined the young married couples Sunday school class lead by Roger & Mary Trumbull. We also had a very strong support group and met for social gatherings regularly.

PPC Music Ministry

Judy Cuthburson was Director of Music at the time I came to PPC in 1981. During worship I remember sitting next to Kay Elliott (Heidt now) and so enjoyed the harmony produced by my lyrical soprano voice and her deep alto strains. She told me that I had a good voice and should join the choir. I wasted no time in doing so, as singing God’s praises is my highest form of worship. Though I had been involved in music all my life through piano lessons, organ lessons, church choirs and school chorus, Judy was the first one in my life, besides my mother, who truly thought I was talented vocally. Judy helped build my confidence and I started singing solos and in small groups and truly enjoyed it. I am greatly indebted to this wonderful lady who showed me I could sing God’s praises individually and as a group.

At some point Carol Jordan became our Music Director. I learned so much about music and developed an intense love particularly for contemporary Christian music under her direction. Over the years our choir became very, very good. We also did some great cantatas. I sang lots of solos. We had weekend retreats in the Georgia Mountains to rehearse for cantatas and special music, but mostly for fun and fellowship. We were a very tight group. We had a small group named Rejoice who sang for various events, even at Chateau Elan one Christmas. The choir became my family and support group.

Music Directors/Associate Music Directors/Accompanists
Noteworthy in my mind were Roxanne Golden who started playing for the church at age 13. Then were many, but especially memorable were Debra McCollum, Mary Ann (the piano bar lady), Lori Zeiker, Jeff Hammond, Anna Herrington, Todd Ferguson, Fred Binkholder (?) and Jean Ann Crites.

Jean Ann Crites – The loving, supportive glue who has helped hold the choir and church together. Her loving, caring spirit shines through as she shares her compassion with others due to her own experience of the early loss of her husband, Chris. As the church began to get smaller, so did the choir. But we still remain among the most dedicated groups in the church.

Anna Herrington demonstrates that she is truly God’s angel, servant and messenger through her gentleness, faithfulness, and expression of her God given talent through music. Anna, I could listen to you play the piano forever. Someday you will be in that heavenly orchestra and we’ll all be praising God eternally.

The Youth Program

Dale Moody was a fabulous Youth Director. Judy Moore Padgett, Youth Director, and Young Life Leader….developed one of the strongest youth programs our church has ever known and my children were just on the edge of beginning middle school when she stepped down. Jan Day---I was on the committee that hired her. Though she did not possess the educational credentials the church thought they were looking for, she possessed experience and wisdom beyond what any education can give. She taught parenting classes for parents with teens and how to deal with all those issues. She was the only person on staff to truly take an interest in our daughter as she struggled through the teenage years. Jay & Alyson Crossman, youth volunteers, truly helped raise my children. They are their second parents and I’ll always be indebted to them.

Joe Sandifer, was the next pastor I recall after John Nicholson. He always had a great message and was so personable with everyone. He was easy to like and usually easy to get along with. He counseled Steve & I as we faced infertility and went through our somewhat painful adoption processes. Joe baptized both of our children. I always wanted to serve on the diaconate or session, but was only nominated once in the days of John Nicolson when they nominated more than they had positions for. I lost. But I have gained, toiled, and grown spiritually as I continue to serve on the last session of this church. With God’s help I will see this through till the end.

Terry Webster – His evangelism ministry brought so many families into the church. The Bible study groups he led in homes were inspiring.

Liz Forney was another angel who was our Associate Pastor for a few of years. Liz did a lot for the women of our church as she led retreats which were full of spirituality and fellowship. She also was a dynamic speaker and I always enjoyed her sermons. I identified with her on another spiritual level as she was an adoptive parent to an adorable son from China.

Our pilgrimage continued as we were in interim facilities and eventually built the church building on the property where we worship today. It was exciting and scary times for our church.

Liz left, Joe retired and we experienced a double whammy in the loss department.
We then had INTERIM times of gloom and doom lead by Interim Pastor Rich Stanford…Some of us endured this time but it really broke our spirit.

Then came Greg McMinn as Pastor, with the hope of new life, unfortunately our church stumbled and began to crumble. Having gone through difficult interim times without a compassionate pastor most of us were in great need of spiritual renewal. Fires began to flame and had to be squelched as various groups and individuals were in conflict. It’s very sad in retrospect.

Greg McMinn changed my life in a way that many are unaware. I definitely developed a mission as he & Leigh sought to adopt their first child using the services of my organization, AIS. It was a heartfelt, spiritual process for me. And the results were well…….glorious!!! Greg helped us deal with the early unexpected arrival of my daughter, Melody’s baby, our most glorious angel, Amelia and he baptized her. Greg also officiated at the funeral for my Dad on December 12th, 2008.

Special Thanks to these PPC Angels and Activities – Honorable Mention

Fellowship & Food – Always brought PPC members together – special thanks to Liz Gray and her HEALING food. Andy Reader, Lois McClain, Carol Taylor and many more.

Bob & Kathy Lamp’l, Martha & Martha Ann Johnson, Kristi Ends, David Lamp’l and their extended families, became our best friends and our family.

Chili Cook-offs – My husband proved that he was not only #1 with his chili recipe at church; he obviously was the best cook in our family. Well, now maybe Jonathan is??? Let’s see what happens at the cook-off this afternoon. Vote for Steve’s chilli…

Relay For Life – Especially meaningful as we watched Kathy Lamp’l go through colon cancer and so many of our members go through other forms of cancer.

Valentine Dinners – led by Judy Moore Padgett….an extremely fun and loving event.

Easter Celebrations for the children – I remember the first one we attended with Amelia and the pictures and memories of her on a horse at 6 months old.

Halloween – When Jonathan & Melody were preschoolers the youth made REALLY SCARY haunted houses for the younger kids. Everything became tamer over the years.

Crossing Contemporary Services lead by the youth of the church including my precious son, Jonathan, who played the drums. Alison Crossman, David Casson, and Alison Fanning who helped lead this wonderful ministry.

Christmas – Journey to Bethlehem – seeing my children as angels, shepherds, and kings was a joy. The music programs were always such glorious.

Christmas Eve Services – The joy of watching the bright eyed wonder in the young children’s eyes.

My mom & dad when visiting our family from MS usually attended services at PPC to share in the activities of their daughter’s family, especially their only grandchildren, Jonathan and Melody. Once they moved to Atlanta in 2002, they were known to attend PPC for their grandchildren’s special programs, special music, and daughter’s solos.

They grew to love our church through the years so in June of 2008 they joined PPC as home bound members after Dad entered Life Care never to return to his earthly home.

For the Angels whose fervent prayers, cards, food, and love saw me and my family through my recent brain surgery and the loss of my Dad, we are eternally grateful.

This church has been my life, my soul, my all. But it is time to move on to new callings & ministries whether together or apart. You will always be a part of my spiritual pilgrimage. Let’s not lose these ties. I leave you with love and the hope that you too will find your spiritual calling.

PPC Service with Preacher Anna

Today at church was incredible! Anna Herrington, the organist, who was Director of Music at another Presbyterian Church before she became the Recreation Director at Garden Plaza (the fancy retirement home in the same complex as LifeCare where Pappa was)....Anyway, who'd a thought that Anna is such a great speaker, very inspirational and deeply led by the spirit. I joined the choir to sing with them for the first time in over 6 months. They all came down front and they had a director's chair for me to sit in. Another incredible thing was that basically I told my personal PPC journey. Even your Dad liked it, except he said it was more like a sermon than like a minute for mission. Whatever....several of the congregation members were deeply moved. Then we had the Chili Cook-Off. Your dad's chili was the best by far (but just being reheated in the crockpot wasn't warm enough when they judged) , but they judged differently this year. Had about 4 judges for each category: chili, cornbread, dessert. Call me a poor loser (I know you are not surprised), but Eric Warner won with his okay, but not so tasty chili - he had potatos in his. I think dad could have added kernel corn to his since I ate the small scrappings of leftovers with some kernel corn. It was good. Most of Camden's chili was not eaten. I tasted it. It was okay, but definitely had the after kick of heat to it. Think you dad liked it okay too. Somebody has got to eat the leftovers or dump it in a couple of days. I'll offer it to him as his food for the rest of the week. It will make a great Breakfast, lunch & dinner meals. Judy Grantham won the cornbread, though Mamma said it was raw in the middle. The most deserving award in my most humble opinion was to Liz Gray for the dessert. I didn't even get to taste it because it was all gone before I got my dessert.

The other surprise at church, though I knew who was coming in advance, was that at our table was Dad, me, Mamma, Camden, Melody, Amelia, and Jose....all at the same table talking, laughing, and loving Amelia. If that isn't God's work, I don't know what is.
Definitely a miracle.